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As 2020 comes to a close, we’re taking a moment to reflect on what has been a challenging year. From the pandemic and its corresponding economic downturn to an overdue reckoning with racial justice, an increasing climate change crisis and one of the most important presidential elections of our lifetime — this year has caused seismic shifts in how we operate at home and work.

However, we’ve also seen many bright spots this year. Many used the urgency of the moment to take fearless actions that they might not have taken at other times. Individuals showed up for their communities in a number of ways. Increased voter participation, focus on neighborhood establishments and virtual volunteering are just a few examples. And despite being faced with unmatched challenges, many CEOs and corporations sought to prioritize their many stakeholders in responding to the difficulties of this year and beyond.

This week our CEO Jean Case shared her digest of 10 companies that exemplify the movement towards stakeholder capitalism and met the urgent needs of 2020 — from Lowe's to H.E.B. and Patagonia. We know that there are many more examples of companies supporting both the bottom line and varied stakeholders, so feel free to leave a hit reply and share other examples that you’ve seen this year!

PS - Breaking Good will be taking a break (ha) and will return to your inbox on January 8th. Wishing you and yours a lovely holiday season!

“It’s humbling being a part of this vaccine process because it’s going to save a lot of lives,” said Byron Bishop, a UPS driver who delivered COVID-19 vaccines to the University of Louisville Hospital in Kentucky. 
Impact Investors Are Wonking Out on Policy
The US Impact Investing Alliance announced a list of recommendations for the incoming administration on how to bolster community investing to tackle inequality and how to advance stakeholder capitalism to restore American economic leadership.
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How to Talk to Your CFO About Sustainability
As companies scrutinize budgets threatened by the pandemic, two NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business scholars recommend CFOs deploy a Return on Sustainability Investment analytic method to help improve organizational finances and value sustainability investments on the impact they create for stakeholders.
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Silicon Valley Is Wrong About Black Women Entrepreneurs
Serena Williams, professional tennis player and founder of Serena Ventures, writes an op-ed in CNN Business pushing venture capitalists to expand their networks to include Black female founders and focus on hiring fund managers who have access to a more diverse network.
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For the First Time in Over 20 Years, All S&P 500 Boards Have At Least One Woman
In 2020, S&P 500 boards appointed 413 new independent directors, with 59% of these appointments going to men of color and women. With these new appointments, every S&P 500 board now has at least one woman, marking the first time this has happened since the data started being tracked in 1998.
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Influencing Young America to Act — 2020 Year in Review
Throughout 2020, Cause and Social Influence conducted six surveys and published five Influencing Young America to Act Reports. Download their final report to see how specific actions and influences prompted young Americans to engage on social issues this year.
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Podcast: What We've Learned About Leaders in 2020
This episode of Leadership Next, hosted by Alan Murray and Ellen McGirt, revisits conversations from top CEOs including IBM's Ginni Rometty, Sanofi's Paul Hudson, and Salesforce's Marc Benioff in order to uncover some of the big trends that emerged this year.
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