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Our team, along with many in the sector, often look to the Edelman Trust Barometer for insights on the perception of business and factors key to stakeholder capitalism in relation to other key groups like journalists and government leaders. The 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer report, especially given all of the unprecedented crisis and reckoning of the past year, shines an important light on shifting perceptions of institutions around the globe.


The data from 33,000 respondents across 28 countries shows that business is the most trusted institution among the four studied (business, government, NGOs and media) and the only institution seen as both ethical and competent. This reflects a remarkable shift in sentiments with citizens worldwide telling researchers of their high expectations for businesses and CEOs to address and solve today’s challenges as well as the incorporation purpose alongside profit.

  • 86% of respondents expect CEOs to publicly speak out on societal challenges

  • 68% of respondents believe CEOs should step in when government does not fix societal problems


The report shows the opportunity the private sector has to play a role in building a better future for our society, but also raises serious questions about the trust of many of the other institutions central to this work. 

"Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. This is the interrelated structure of reality."
- Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
New Research on Impact Investing Decision-Making
The Global Impact Investing Network’s latest research report, Impact Investing Decision-Making: Insights on Financial Performance, shows impact investors are considering impact, performance and capital allocation with increasing sophistication.
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6 Trends in Social Enterprise and Impact Investing in 2020
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Kuro and Kiva to Provide Interest-Free Loans to Black Entrepreneurs
Peer-to-peer car-sharing company Turo has teamed up with microloan provider Kiva to create the Turo Seed Initiative. This pilot program will provide interest-free loans of up to $15,000 to Black entrepreneurs in select cities.
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Black Female-Founded Partake Foods Raises $4.8 Million In Funding
Partake Foods founder and CEO Denise Woodard is the first woman of color to raise $1 million for a food startup, and her business is scaling quickly. The brand, which launched in 350 stores at the start of 2020, plans to grow to 5,500 by the end of 2021.
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Women Accounted For All December Job Losses
Throughout the pandemic women employees have carried a disproportionate amount of caregiving responsibilities. According to new data, women accounted for all the December job losses, losing 156,000 jobs while men gained 16,000.
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How to Keep Women in the Workforce During Covid
Related to the bleak workforce data mentioned above is a bright spot. Fidelity, Lowes, National Geographic and Levi’s are a few of the many companies where stakeholder dialogue has led to flexible policies for women employees. These companies have recognized the increased burdens on women employees as they carry a disproportionate amount of caregiving responsibilities.
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