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With the pandemic having a disproportionate impact on women, reports show continuing gaps in funding for women-led startups, lack of leadership opportunities for women and few seats on corporate and startup boards.

Data shows discrepancies across all sectors. For example, in finance, even while we celebrate highly accomplished women who have broken glass ceilings, data shows how far we still need to go — a recent study found that women represent only 18.1% of US financial advisors.

To close gender gaps, one of the tools that men and women can bring to the table is active allyship. From mentoring to speaking up when you see something wrong to sharing information with those who have been historically left out of the loop, our active participation can help women have a fair shot to make a real impact across our society.

There are many ways to take real, active allyship action that apply whether you work in finance or another field. As Jean Case reminds us, we can and must be allies in working to close these gaps.  

“In the long run, all businesses and business leaders will be judged not by their profits or their products but by their impact on humanity.” Herman Miller founder DJ De Pree
Top Firms Devising Net-Zero Investing Standard
A group of investors managing a combined $33 trillion are developing a common approach to decarbonize investor portfolios and the broader economy. Standardization is sorely needed as many companies have committed to achieving carbon neutrality, but there is no commonly agreed definition of what that means.
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ESG Investing: Finding Your Motivation
According to MSCI research, the three top motivations for ESG investing are ESG integration, incorporating personal values, and making a positive impact. These goals are not mutually exclusive, though, and an investor may relate to more than just one.
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Forbes’ Best Women’s Business Stories of the Last 21 Years
In celebration of Women’s History Month, Forbes highlights what they consider their best women’s business stories of the past 21 years. Think about who would make your list and then see which entrepreneurs they chose.
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Goldman Sachs Invests $10 Billion In New 'One Million Black Women' Initiative
With the largest ever investment to focus exclusively on Black women, Goldman Sachs aims to narrow opportunity gaps and move the needle on racial equity. See if you qualify — applications are open until March 29.
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Are Leaders Listening to What Working Women Need?
In Salesforce’s Make Change series, Jean Case reminds us that, “It’s been a challenging time for so many people, and the data’s very clear that it’s been especially challenging for women. But sometimes, it’s actually in times of crisis that new opportunities emerge.”
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Closing the Gender Investment Gap
Female Invest is an EdTech platform and community that empowers millennial and Gen Z women by increasing their understanding of personal finance and investing. Co-founder and Partner Anna-Sophie Hartvigsen discusses how the company is working to close the gender investment gap.
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