The Case Foundation, created by digital pioneers Jean and Steve Case, is a diverse and dynamic institution by design. We create programs and invest in people and organizations that embrace the Be Fearless principles and harness the best impulses of entrepreneurship, innovation, technology and collaboration to drive exponential impact. In particular, we focus on catalyzing movements and collaborating to bring forward ideas that have transformative potential and can lead us to uncover new, more impactful ways of addressing chronic social challenges. Learn more about our current work here.


We believe the world needs more fearless approaches to social change, so we take risks on new ideas and approaches, and partner across sectors with people and organizations that share our fervor to engage citizens and change the world for the better, today. We don’t limit ourselves to any one sector or issue, but instead let a set of core values drive all of our ventures.

  • Be Entrepreneurial

    Entrepreneurial approaches can make efforts to address social challenges faster, smarter, and more impactful. We work to use new technologies, collaborate with other risk-takers and accelerate innovative approaches to social change.

  • Collaborate and Learn

    Collaborating across sectors enhances expertise and promotes solutions on which we can build. We explore a wide range of issues, industries and ideas to address chronic challenges. We share our expertise and experience openly – successes and failures alike – to accelerate collective learning and progress.

  • Experiment Early and Often

    Innovation requires taking risks to discover new ideas and approaches that keep up with a rapidly changing world. We believe that trying and testing assumptions about what works, sharing the results of those tests and building a culture of courage are key to problem solving.

  • Work smart, have fun and be humble

    Working smart means acting with urgency, being open to change and embracing failure as the greatest learning moment. We insist on having fun by bringing passion and joy to our work. We remain ever humble, knowing greatness comes from the combination of many people’s efforts.



Jean and Steve Case created the Case Foundation in 1997 to reflect their family’s commitment to giving back. Over the years, they have used their investment capital, networks and experience in pursuit of a singular mission – to invest in people and ideas that can change the world. Check out some of the notable moments in the Foundation’s history: 

  • Special Olympics – 1998 Jean Case receives honorary degree from IUPUI – 2014
  • Impact investing $2 billion Commitment – 2014
  • Be Fearless Campaign Launches – 2012 A Billion + Change Relaunches – 2011
  • Startup America Partnership Launches – 2011
  • Jean and Steve Case join the Giving Pledge – 2010 Playpumps – 2005
  • America’s Giving Challenges – 2007
  • Social Citizens – 2008 US Palestinian Partnership – 2007
  • Make It Your Own Awards – 2007
  • CF Cat joins the team – 2008 Case Foundation Moves Offices – 2006
  • Case Foundation Founded – 1997
  • Power Up – 1999 Habitat for Humanity – 2000
  • City Year Comes to DC – 2000
  • Share Our Strength – 2000 Venture Philanthropy Partners – 2000
  • ABC2 Founded – 2001
  • Network for Good – 2004 First Website Launch – 2005
  • Buxton Initiative – 2005
  • Citizens at the Center – 2006 Short Guide to Impact Investing Printed – 2015
  • #FacesofFounders campaign launched – 2016
  • Finding Fearless 2.0 – 2017 Network Map Launch + Data Campaign – 2017
  • CF Office Becomes Dog Friendly – 2017
  • 20th Anniversary of the Case Foundation – 2017 Millennial Takeover – 2018
  • Be Fearless Book Published – 2019