Earlier this week our CEO Jean Case shared the Case Foundation’s journey from understanding our work through the lens of our three pillars, or our main areas of interest, to distilling the core of what we do—catalyze movements around social innovation, tipping the scales from good intention to action.

As movement catalyzers, we are not creating a new program or issue area at the Foundation, but rather, are joining in and accelerating a movement that already has purpose, stakeholders and allies. For our newest movement around inclusive entrepreneurship, we have pulled up a seat at a table already populated with the inspiring entrepreneurs, savvy investors and dedicated ecosystem builders who seek to level the playing field for women entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs of color. Together, we are working to upend the bleak statistics regarding access to financial capital, risk tolerance and the cultural barriers faced by diverse entrepreneurs and create a new system that allows all individuals with innovative ideas to have access to the resources necessary to build, grow and scale their business.

In an effort to lift up these varied voices, ecosystem builders and entrepreneurs leading the inclusive entrepreneurship movement, we’ve curated a list of 50 inclusive entrepreneurship champions you should be following on Twitter. We know that this list is in no way exhaustive of the many incredible people doing work in this sector, but we hope this will give you a starting point to understand and join in the quest to create a level playing field for all entrepreneurs. If you want to shine a spotlight on others supporting this ecosystem, please let us know on Twitter using @CaseFoundation and the hashtag #Ent4All.

Follow the whole list below with one easy click. And don’t forget to keep in touch with the Case Foundation and our team! @CaseFoundation   @JeanCase   @SteveCase  @SaratKoch
(Full Team List)

Alejandra Castillo
The official Twitter feed of the United States Minority Business Development Agency National Director
Ari Horie
Founder of Women’s Startup Lab (@wslab) & MoChiGo
Backstage Capital
Venture capital fund investing in startups led by women, Black & Latinx, and LGBT founders. Contact = @ArlanWasHere
Blackstone Entrepreneurship Initiative
@Blackstone Entrepreneurship Initiative, powered by the Blackstone Charitable Foundation. Cultivating entrepreneurship and igniting job growth globally.
Carolyn Rodz
Founder of @CircularB, a #startup accelerator for #femalefounders. Mom of 2, wife of 1, entrepreneurial advocate & contributor to Fortune, HuffPo + Entrepreneur
Clare O’Connor
Staff writer at @Forbes, mostly covering women entrepreneurs and workplace equality. No plans to go camping.
Darius Graham
Director, Social Innovation Lab (@SIL_Baltimore) at @JohnsHopkins; Founder & Board Chair, @dcsocialinnov; Adjunct Professor, @GoucherCollege;#AnyoneAnInnovator
Defy Ventures
We are an entrepreneurship, employment, and leadership training program that serves people with criminal histories.
Derek T. Dingle
Sr. VP/Editor-in-Chief of @BlackEnterprise Magazine. Award-winning author. Co-founder, Milestone Media comic book co. Proud alum of Norfolk State U.
Diana Project
Diana International assembles researchers worldwide interested in women’s entrepreneurship
Duke I&E
Latest happenings from the Duke Innovation and Entrepreneurship Initiative.
Eutiquio Tiq Chapa
Program Manager: Stanford GSB Latino Entrepreneurship Initiative. Mobile UX/Behavior Designer. Democratizing info. PoliticsDonors. Educating billions. Crossfit.
Freada Klein
Founder of Level Playing Field Institute, investor in social impact startups, dog devotee
Hajj Flemings
Featured in @CNN’s Black in America 4. Founder of @BrandCampU. Founder of@RebrandDetroit a @knightfdn#knightcities project. #rebrandDetroit
Jade Floyd
Senior Director of Communications @CaseFoundation + @Revolution Venture Capital | Food + Wine + Design Addict
Johnathan Holifield
Author of Upcoming book on Inclusive Competitiveness, former NFL player, Keynote Speaker, Advisor & Consultant.
JumpStart Inc
We are a nationally recognized nonprofit that unlocks the full potential of diverse & ambitious entrepreneurs to economically transform entire communities.
Kapor Center
The Kapor Center is relentlessly pursuing creative strategies to leverage tech for positive, progressive change.
Kathryn Finney
Founder/Speaker/Investor/Wifer/Mother. @digundiv, @rewritethecode, #projectdiane, @budgetfashion (sold).
Kauffman Foundation
Fostering economic independence by advancing education & entrepreneurship. RTs ≠ endorsements.
Kesha Cash
General Partner @ Impact America Fund
Kimberly Bryant
Founder @BlackGirlsCode ~ White House Champion of Change ~ 2014 GOOD 100 /good.is/the100 Find me here
Kirsten Saenz Tobey
founder & chief impact officer@revolutionfoods, mom, social entrepreneur, healthy food junkie, board member @netimpact and @mercaris
Latinas Think Big® is a global membership community and platform tailored to support and accelerate your career and ventures. Join us!
Laura Weidman Powers
Co-Founder/CEO @Code2040. Fellow @NewAmericaCA @EchoingGreen. Alum @StanfordBiz @StanfordLaw @Harvard.
Lemelson Foundation
Improving lives through invention
Lydia Dishman
Business journalist @FastCompany and others. Bronx native. @FordhamNotes alum. Tweets = mine. RTs not endorsements. Hearts = bookmarks or love, you choose.
Makinde Adeagbo
Founder of @devcolororg. Engineer at @Pinterest, @Dropbox & @Facebook. Husband to @iamawara.
Mandela SH
@KaporCapital helping tech startups succeed in biz, social impact and diversity | @Forbes 30Under30
Maria Contreras-Sweet
Official account of @POTUS @Cabinetmember Maria Contreras-Sweet,@SBAgov Administrator. Former CA Cabinet Secretary, community banker and entrepreneur.
Megan Rose Dickey
Reporter @TechCrunch covering diversity & inclusion and social justice. megan at techcrunch dot com
Monique Woodard
Venture Partner @500Startups // Founder & ED @blackfounders
Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center
The Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center is designed to educate, innovate and connect aspiring & current entrepreneurs. Grow your ideas. Get inspired. Tell your story.
New Profit
#AdvanceEquity is a new digital dialogue series about equity and inclusion. Join us in advancing bold new ideas for systemic change: https://newprofit.org/amplify
Pamela Lewis
Executive Director of @neimichigan.
PowerMoves.NOLA is about creating power through opportunity – the opportunity of high growth minority Traditional & Tech Entrepreneurship.
Project Entrepreneur
Project Entrepreneur ignites bold ideas by providing women access to the tools, training and networks needed to build scalable, economically impactful companies
Regina Ann Campbell
A Lover of Detroit, all about people, place and purpose! Economic development working with small businesses, supporting entrepreneurs in the Detroit Region!
Rethink Impact
Investing in ecosystems of change
Ross Baird
Executive Director of @villagecapital; also teach at @UVA. Enable entrepreneurs to solve major global problems.
Salvador Rodriguez
@Inc Reporter covering tech, diversity, startups & entrepreneurs. Before w/@IBTimes, @LATimes. Let’s play air hockey. DM me srodriguez@inc.com
Sarah Koch
VP, Social Innovation @Casefoundation. Passionate about #ent4all, #nptech, #socent & gluten free baking.
Sheila Herrling
SVP Social Innovation @CaseFoundation; ex @MCCgov @CGDev @USTreasury Passionate about family, friends, fun, well articulated views, bourbon.
Talib Graves-Manns
@Black_WallSt + @LifeOnAutoPilot + Point AB. Code2040 + Google EIR + American Underground Durm. We replace question marks with periods. Tech. Innovation. VC.
Tory Burch Foundation
The official Tory Burch Foundation tweets.
Unshackled Ventures
An early stage venture fund created to support immigrant founders and economic value in the U.S.
Vanessa Dawson
All about The Vinetta Project
Vanessa K. De Luca
Editor-in-chief of ESSENCE@essencemag. Mom, wife, daughter, friend. Honored and blessed to serve Black women. IG: @vanmommy
William Crowder
Co-lead of @CVCatalyst, an early stage venture fund. | Partner at @Dreamit global startup accelerator.
Women in Venture
WxV is a network of traditional VC dealmakers, founded and run by the same.

*This list is provided for informational and educational purposes only. Inclusion on this list does not indicate endorsement by the Foundation.