There is an emerging giant in the energy industry, solar. One key individual who has helped to pave the way for the growing investment in solar energy and other clean-tech industries is Jigar Shah, president and co-founder of Generate Capital. Shah aims to demonstrate the huge monetary potential of investment opportunities and the impact of proven approaches in renewable energy, energy storage and energy efficiency. Shah’s innovative approaches are the focus of this week’s spotlight on social enterprise, from the Case Foundation and, in partnership with ImpactAlpha.

Through his work leading Generate Capital, and previously SunEdison and other solar and clean-tech companies, Shah found that one critical barrier for growth in these industries is the high startup cost. Shah’s no-money-down, pay-as-you-save model triggered a massive upshot in financial support for solar companies, leaving the U.S. with four times the solar capacity. His efforts are proving that markets with positive environmental impact have the potential to generate trillion dollar returns. In fact, last year, solar and wind together accounted for more than half of new U.S. electrical generating capacity.

Read the full story HERE on Shah and how he is changing perspectives on the relationship between huge wealth creation and better climate outcomes.